The Goal of the Diabetes Education Department at the Pender Community Hospital is to help people with Pre-Diabetes or those diagnosed as Diabetic with education and support. When you know how to manage your Diabetes, you win, because you can prevent the complications that go with this disease.


Monthly Classes:
Offered to newly diagnosed Diabetics to help them manage their health.

Yearly Refresher Classes:
Learn what is new and help with any problmes that have come up with Diabetes.

Diabetes Support Group:
Share ideas with others who have the same diagnosis.

Quarterly Dine and Learn:
Eat a meal and listen to Guest speakers on topics that are relevant to Diabetes.

We are here to give you a hand and help you reach your goals.
Barb Nitzche, RN Diabetes Educator
Carrol Baier, RN BSPS Diabetes Educator